The Association "Musique et Partage en Couserans" (M-P-C), is a Couserans cultural association, whose purpose is the teaching and dissemination of classical music, to all audiences, in particular young instrumentalists and audiences far from the big ones. cultural centers, by any means necessary. Our cultural actions are mostly undertaken in Couserans, have a link with Couserans, even if they can sometimes extend to other territories and concern artistic projects outside Couserans:

-Festival Les Grands Rendez-vous

-Marie Cantagrill International Violin Competition

-Music Academy

To continue our actions, we need your support!!

You can act:

-By taking out a membership = 15 euros

-By making a donation to support our actions in favor of young artists, classical music,...

-By providing places for our musical and educational activities.

-By offering all kinds of help, advice, suggestions, partnerships...

Companies can also make donations to associations:

-For those subject to income tax, it is appropriate to refer to the tax advantages for individuals.

-For those subject to corporate tax, there is a corporate tax reduction of 60% of the amount of the donation, within the limit of 0.5% of the turnover for the financial year.

"Association Musique et Partage en Couserans"

5 rue de l'Eglise-Le Village-09190 Taurignan-Vieux

+33(0)6 83 58 49 08 //musiqueetpartageencouserans@gmail.com